Objectives & Functions

At our ministry every unit and department is saddled with various objectives to ensure smooth running of the ministry as we serve the public. 

Advice on Legal Issues

To advice Ministries, Departments, Agencies (MDAs) and Government Corporations on legal issues pertaining to the day-to-day execution of their duties.

Draft Laws

To draft laws and agreements, to which the State Government and any of its agencies is a party.

Make Recommendations

To make recommendations on convicts who plead for the Governor’s pardon.

1999 Constitution

To supervise the operation of the 1999 Constitution within the State.

Advice Law Enforcements

To offer advice to law enforcement agents on whether or not to prosecute criminal cases.

Resolve Dispute

To resolve dispute through the State Boundary Commission in boundary disputes.

Peaceful and Lawful Environment

Securing and retaining skilled and motivated  state counsel and supporting staff to aid administration of justice and create peaceful and lawful environment for profitable business transaction.